More than a year into the project, Design for Europe has held over 26 events across 15 European countries and 19 cities, engaging over 2,000 people, spanning policymaking, the public sector, SMEs and their intermediaries. This €3.8m European Commission funded project was set up to boost economic growth and job creation across Europe through design-led innovation. Design for Europe is excited to announce European Growth by Design, their first summit, which will be held on 7 May in Brussels. Join leading figures in business, policy and the public sector for a high-level summit on how design can boost innovation and create economic growth across Europe. Places at the summit are limited, so do register your interest if you would like to come along.
Like any good design project, it's crucial that Design for Europe reflects the needs of its users. With this in mind, they have launched a user survey to gather your feedback on the project so far. This input will directly inform the kind of content published through Please help shape this development so that it can reflect and suit your needs better. The focus of the programme is on increasing the uptake of design in areas where this has been historically low, so Design for Europe is particularly keen to gather case studies from areas like Iberia and central Eastern Europe, as well as engaging audience through events there. If you know of any useful and interesting initiatives and resources, Design for Europe would love to hear from you!
European Growth by Design Summit, 7th May, BrusselsDesign for Europe announce their first summit, European Growth by Design, where leading figures in business, policy and the public sector will gather to explore how design can boost innovation and create economic growth across Europe.